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Time and Material

Our Team Moves Faster, Keeping you Current on What's Hot

Time and Material

The price you pay depends on the actual time spent by the developers working on the project. Time and materials are considered only the cost of resources: the contractor's salary, the cost of materials, and in some cases the average of a fixed fee.

Often the client cannot determine the exact requirements for his software project. The need for a project depends on rapidly changing external conditions. This situation is quite common for startups when any development is an experiment. In this case, the requirements need to be specified after each specific iteration


  • Maintain Transparency
  • Responsive to Market Changes
  • Easy Project start & Development
  • You can get your product to potential customers faster

By choosing the time and material method, you can easily get started. You don’t have to have a complex and long-term plan. Of course, you should be able to present your ideas to the development team and choose the most important features, but you do not need to provide them with all the details. Once the scope is identified, the development team can begin work on it immediately.

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